Road A Back Straight Speed I group.


New Member
PFL, I hate that happened to you.. especially for the guy you center punched. That's why we gotta keep our eyes up and over the guy we are following or trying to pass. That could have been alot worse. Was he ok?


New Member

U bad :spank: that was not me - Nesba would never let me ride more than the intro group at that pace and lines - Actually Those are STT guys fixing the target at RD ATL :wow:


New Member
Yes I know I will take the dick trophy AU R1 for posting STT video on Nesba I just could not:shutit: as a friend sad once - back to the porno and just come back when really exhaust - well :popcorn:here we go.


New Member
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha.... ok now that I am done laughing my ass off. I'm glad both guys and their bikes are ok. The trip into the grass was also a "hoot". Hand up/foot out, slow down, get off the line, then check bike. Good policy. I haven't visited this thread in a while. I still maintain that I am not an ass hole, I just have a low tolerance for bullshit. If I hadn't felt like the guy was trying to belittle me I wouldn't have told him to f*** off. At this point I regret saying anything, mostly because of the discussion into whether or not I'm an ass hole.

In the video you so see the rider blow by several people on the back straight. Whether they're slowing down because the instructor wants to let the other riders pass, their bikes can't go as fast as the rider's bike, they're trying to learn a better entrance to 10a, or they're just pansies is debatable. That was pretty much what the back straight looked like all day, riders capping out at a little over 100, and hence I started my bitching.


New Member
Is it just me, or could neither of the "coaches" in the video hold a line. I love the way he handled it after slamming into the rear of another. Off the track on the left, then to the right side of the track before going back to the left again.

I was thinking about doing a track day with STT in Sept since Nesba doesn't have anything. After watching this and a few other STT videos. I'm not going anywhere near these people.


New Member
So after watching it several more times, here's what it "looks" like. It "looks" like a couple of coaches playing follow the leader in I class, not seeking out anyone to help, one makes a bad move and tags a rider in front of him.

First off it's obvious they are carrying an A class pace, that's cool I'm sure they're capable. I assume any paying rider carrying that pace in the I group would certainly be asked to move up a class for obvious reasons. Keep the fast guys with the fast guys and the beginners with the beginners, otherwise shit like this happens.

Coming through the esses into T5 it was or should have been apparent that they were approaching a slower rider. Why the following instructor went wide simply makes no sense to me. Even if the slower rider they were overtaking hadn't "missed a shift" or whatever happened he was closing on him in what appears to be an unsafe manner for the rules of I class. I don't see anyway he could have got passed the slower rider while maintaining the required 6 foot clearance.

Sorry fellas, I have tremendous respect for your position and capabilities, but this "looks" to be a stupid mistake resulted from a simple case of a case of hot-dogging.

I've ridden with STT several times this year and have enjoyed it almost as much as I enjoy riding with NESBA. I wouldn't write off riding with them because a couple guys made mistake in judgement. While they don't seem to be as close knit of an org as NESBA there are some really nice people I am pleased I met. Latch onto their head instructor for a couple laps he'd be more than happy to tow you around and I promise you'll be pleased. He's a retired Navy pilot and can really more for an "old" guy.


New Member
I will say it time and time again. I ride with NESBA to learn how to ride better and faster, more safely. I ride with other groups just so I can ride, and pick up knowledge where I can. But I will admit, I am a NESBA snob, so sue me...

AU, I have talked to you several times, and you have always been a super nice when we talk. Especially after the SED and you realizing it was me that you took the inside line on at VIR north up through 7, and apologizing several times for the move, even though I really didn't care. (I will never forget your bike though :p) I have never seen the "dick" side of you...