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  1. JonGu

    Finally did it... motorcycle tattoo

    Now it's finished:
  2. JonGu

    Finally did it... motorcycle tattoo

    Also gotta bottle opener belt, bottle opener wallet, and bottle opener sandals. A man has got to be prepared... And no, they only throw people in jail if that tattoo goes against the general harmony of the People's Republic of China and is political against the government in any way! hahaha...
  3. JonGu

    Website Issues? -

    Brian Wink runs that site... I talked to him a couple of days ago, he said he is in the process of relocating it to a new server but hasn't had much personal time to devote to that kind of stuff... busy with "real" work :)
  4. JonGu

    Finally did it... motorcycle tattoo

    Nah Brian... I already got a keychain bottle opener with that picture, that's good enough for me! hahaha... but actually I did think about having him draw the plates in white, but the yellow gave the whole design a nice contrast and appearance. Someday I'm gonna regret tattooing a photo of...
  5. JonGu

    Finally did it... motorcycle tattoo

    haha Dustin, I don't think I want to forever immortalize that moment on my arm... but it did make a nice poster :P And hell, if I ever get drunk enough, I just might get a copyright gron4 on there somewhere! hahaha... realized though that there's no NESBA sticker on that bike either... actually...
  6. JonGu

    Finally did it... motorcycle tattoo

    Yeah well my story was: "What does #276 stand for?" Me: "Well, it's a symbol of my laziness... it was the number on my first race bike which I was too lazy to remove, so I just used it for all my bikes"
  7. JonGu

    Finally did it... motorcycle tattoo

    hahaha thanks for the warning. Fortunately I don't think I'll need to worry about that anymore... BTW, the whole thing ended up taking about 5 hours worth of tattooing time and another hour or two for him to make the pattern. At first I thought man... this isn't so bad at all. The last hour and...
  8. JonGu

    Finally did it... motorcycle tattoo

    Set my ink? I'm not really sure what that means. This is my 1st so I'm pretty much a newb at this kind of thing.
  9. JonGu

    Finally did it... motorcycle tattoo

    Been debating about this for years... finally was in a situation where a very good tattoo artist needed a laptop computer and I wanted a tattoo so... gotta love barter hahaha Here's the source I'll take a few more after it heals and the colors come out a little more. Also gonna get a...
  10. JonGu

    Parallax Racing 7/3 CCS Road America Race Write-up

    Hey Dave, you know what you get for making comments like that? A garage full of garbage.... hahaha, good luck with the sales
  11. JonGu

    Long time...

    hahaha Aaron, those were fun times. You were the military guy with the Black old school SV right and let me stay at your place for a night? Or am I remembering wrong... Tell your buddy that the GuDaddy cosmetics is what makes the bike fast! Also willing to take a couple hundred bucks off the...
  12. JonGu

    Parallax Racing 7/3 CCS Road America Race Write-up

    Sandbagger! Nice work from NESBA's 2010 Asian Sandbagger Chinaman CR
  13. JonGu

    Blackhawk 7/3-7/4 - Great Weekend!

    Got some great video of the night's events... Will upload more, but here's a good one to start: Gets really interesting around the 1:40 mark...
  14. JonGu

    ~Great Smoke July 3rd!! pot luck Menu Details

    Damn, got nothing to offer except beer and cigs...
  15. JonGu

    Need some spare gear for a rider

    I'll bring some boots. Got some basically never used Teknic boots but they are street oriented for touring duty, water resistant I think. Size 11.5, not sure if it will work...
  16. JonGu

    Lots of stuff for sale...

    Will be at Blackhawk this weekend and bring everything with me.
  17. JonGu

    The Great Smoke out July 3rd @ BHF !!!!

    In! I won't be riding but will be there help out and to see everyone and hang out one last time before heading out of the country. Also try to sell some of my junk if anyone wants it :)
  18. JonGu

    Lots of stuff for sale...

    Also willing to deliver within 5 hours of St. Louis with downpayment. Notice all the interior finishes: Cabinets on top, cabinets on bottom & door, door shelves and table, 2x Condor chocks (included), etrack, tiedown loops, suit rack, 2 sets of niceraxx included, another storage shelf in the...